
You have stepped up and committed to doing the Lu Jong Five Elements Movements for seven consecutive days.

If something happens and you miss a day, please don’t beat yourself up about it. Instead, just start again from Day 1.

The key is to do them seven days in a row.

Starting tomorrow, I’m going to send you a little inspiration each day to keep it top of mind and remind you that I’m here for you and rooting for you.

Right now, I encourage you to think about when you will do the movements.

My first recommendation is first thing in the morning. This helps you show up for the day with an enlivened body and calm head.

Another excellent option is after work. This makes a great transition and wipes out any poor posture you accumulated.

You can also explore doing it before bed. For many people, this is a great way to wind down excessive thoughts and shift into a calm state. A handful of folks might find it to be overly energizing, so check in.

Whatever you decide, try to stick with it for the week. It will help you complete your commitment and get a truer sense of the shift the movements provide.

Okay, see you tomorrow!

Lu Jong Five Elements Movements

Commitment Week