Thinking vs. Instinct (OR: What We Can Learn from Animals ;) [video]

In our Western society, we put a great deal of weight on the knowledge that we receive via our brains and thinking mind. 

We put so much weight on rational analysis that we are often not aware of the other ways that information flows to us, and/or these other ways of knowing have atrophied.  

How unfortunate! Why restrict incoming knowledge? 

When we look toward animals and nature, we realize that there is a profound intelligence that it is possible to access. Call it instinct, or intuition, but let’s not forget this other way of knowing. 

In our Lu Jong Tibetan Healing Yoga practice, we clearly see the inspiration of animals and nature, and look to them to help us heal ourselves.

P.S. To learn Lu Jong, please click HERE.


Medicine for Body, Medicine for Mind


A Tibetan Exercise to Improve Digestion