Culture or Nature? [Article]

Culture or Nature? [Article]

The essence of Buddhism is to reveal to us who we truly are. What is the nature of our minds? What is the nature of phenomena and our relationship to it? These are inquiries that transcend cultural boundaries. These are fundamental human questions

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Three Levels of Channels to Open [Video]
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Three Levels of Channels to Open [Video]

The goal of the Tantrayana practices is to open our channels. To understand the depth of this, we need to understand channels on multiple levels. When we are aware of all that is referred to by “channel,” we understand how powerful and meaningful opening the channels is for our personal development.

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Love Opens [Article]
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Love Opens [Article]

I recently had a small issue with someone. I felt misunderstood and also hurt by some things that were said (written in a text, actually). And just a couple days before that, there was another issue in a work-related situation. Both of them were…

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Why Pray? [Article]

Why Pray? [Article]

I remember my prayers as a little girl. I would lie in bed and recite an original prayer that I had composed that I felt covered all the bases. It included requests to bless all the important people in my life (including my cat)…

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Cycles - Understanding Sun & Moon Energy [Article}
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Cycles - Understanding Sun & Moon Energy [Article}

Tantrayana recognizes the cycles all around and within us and strives to harmonize them for optimum health and well-being.

These cycles are mostly described in relation to the energies of the sun and the moon. While the outer sun and moon are clear, it is our responsibility to become aware of the balance of our inner sun and moon energy.

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